It doesnt appear there is much support from those who have been there done that.
So here is my attempt at sumamrising the issues and solutions for implementing GST in an Australian Magento store relating to version 1.4.01
Now this info appears here and there on the web but it does become very time consuming digging it all u so hopefully this saves you some time.
Credits go to all the places visited to get this info - you know who you are - cheers
1.Setting up tax (GST) in Magento
System → Configuration → Tax Tax Classes
* Tax Class for Shipping = Shipping
Calculation Settings
* Tax Calculation Method Based On = Total * Tax Calculation Based On = Shipping Address * Catalog prices = Including tax * Shipping prices = Including tax * Apply Customer Tax = Before Discount * Apply Discount On Prices = Including tax * Apply Tax On = Custom price if available
Default Tax Destination Calculation
* Default Country = Australia
Price Display Settings
* Display Product Prices In Catalog = Including tax
Shopping Cart Display Settings
* Display Prices = Including tax * Display Subtotal = Including tax * Display Shipping Amount = Including tax * Include Tax in Grand Total = No
Order, Invoices, Creditmemos Display Settings
* Display Prices = Including tax * Display Subtotal = Including tax * Display Shipping Amount = Including tax * Include Tax in Grand Total = No
The easiest way to meet the ATO requirements for ABN and contact number on invoices is to add these details to your address information: System → Configuration → Sales Invoice and Packing Slip Design
* Address = your address + ABN and phone number
You might also choose to add this information to the transactional email template for invoices. If you want to use the PDF invoices however you will need to alter the address above or modify the PDF rendering.
Another way to customise is to use a commercial extension or the more basic free version
To set up the 10% GST to be applied on products and shipping, Magento requires the addition of an appropriate tax rate and rule: Sales → Tax → Manage Tax Zones & Rates
Here we add a tax rate for GST so that Magento will know how much tax to calculate.
To add a rate, click Add New Tax Rate in the top right and fill out the following information:
* Tax Identifier = GST * Country = Australia * State = * * Zip/Post Code = * * Rate = 10.00
Save the rate and proceed to set up a rule for GST. Sales → Tax → Manage Tax Rules
Tax rules determines when rates should be applied. In this case we want to set it up to apply GST anywhere in Australia.
Click Add New Tax Rule in the top right and fill out the following information:
* Name = GST * Customer Tax Class = Retail Customer * Product Tax Class = Taxable Goods | Shipping * Tax Rate = GST
Save the rule and GST will be completely set up.
Tax rules to GST free parts of Australia.
Set up 0% tax rates for each of these State/Postcode combinations and add them into your GST tax rule.
Christmas Island WA, 6798 Norfolk Island NSW, 2899 Cocos (Keeling) Island WA, 6799 Lord Howe Island NSW, 2898 Macquarie Island TAS, 7151
Rename Tax to GST
Something that is often overlooked is that you must include a line in your invoices specifically indicating the amount of GST that has been applied. This can be done in a few ways but a simple method is to use the translation files included as part of the locale. This allows for easy replication across websites by copying the files from one site to another.
To modify the translation, creating an app/locale/en_AU directory and copy the Mage_Sales.csv file from the en_US locale into it. Open this file as a spreadsheet (such as in Excel or and find the line with the word “Tax”. Modify the value in the right column to be “GST”. This will appropriately change the text that is displayed to the customer. Do this in the right hand column only.
Rename Invoice to Tax Invoice
Copy the Mage_Tax.csv file from the en_US Open this file as a spreadsheet (such as in Excel or and find the line with the word “Invoice”. Modify the value in the right column to be “Tax Invoice”. This will appropriately change the text that is displayed to the customer. Do this in the right hand column only and save to your newly created en_AU directory
Order Date vs Invoice Issue Date It looks like this extension will take care of this Magento Connect has its compatibility as 1.3 however the author confirms it for 1.4 here
Rounding Issues Extract this extension and copy across to the corresponding directory in Magento via FTP MageExt_FixRound-0.1.0.rar
Shipping Rounding Issues Copy app\code\core\Mage\Tax\Model\Sales\Total\Quote\Subtotal.php Open the file in worpad or similar and perform a find and replace for ‘RoundUp’ to ‘Round’ -should replace two instances of the word round up Create the following directory using FTP /app/code/local\core\Mage\Tax\Model\Sales\Total\Quote\ and copy the modified Subtotal.php
This is everything I have implemented myself so far and so far so good, as I continue to refine and find things will update this post - feel free to correct me and so on.